Privacy Policy

 Last updated: July 2022

 We, “OR PAZ” “data controllers” (“We” / “Us” / “Our”), respect your privacy.

  1. Under this privacy policy, you can find information about what personal details do we collect and for what purpose. You will also find information about your rights with respect to such information.
  2. This privacy policy is applicable to all users of our website, “” (“Website”), even if they did not create an account; registered to our mailing list or not; or placed an order.
  3. Before using our Website, please read this privacy policy carefully, as it shall be binding upon you. If you do not agree to this privacy policy you are required to immediately cease from any further use of our Website!
  4. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at:
  5. We reserve the right to change, amend and modify this privacy policy, from time to time. Before entering our Website, you are required to review the updated privacy policy, as the one being updated on the website shall apply on any of your use of our Website.

 What information do we collect?

  1. In order to supply the service on the Website and to improve your experience, we collect information which includes some identifiable information you provide us with at the time of placing an order, requesting specific service or in the general use of the Website (for example: name, phone number, email address, address, ID and others) (“Personal Information”). Some Personal Information will also be shared with our delivery company (for coordinating your delivery) and with the clearance and credit card companies (for approval of the transactions).
  2. In addition to the Personal Information, we also collect (by ourselves or through others) information that is not identifiable, which allows us to trace your activity on the Website for it’s proper functioning and maintenance, data security, and improvement of your browsing experience. For example, we collect statistical data on the use of the Website, duration of browsing, type of browser, location, your cart (including saving in cases where an order was not yet placed) and more (“Additional Information”).
  3. The Additional Information is being collected by example, by use of cookies. Cookies are small digital files sorting information about your browsing preferences and allows us to remember them for your next visit. For example, cookies will allow us to remember you preferred currency and language and your cart. You can always choose to remove the tracking by cookies option, through the browser you are browsing from. In such event, some of our services and website functions may not be available to you anymore, or that you will have to reinsert specific details over again.
  4. The Additional Information is also being collected by third parties, including Google Analytics, Facebook, Shopify and are subject to. Their privacy policy that you can find here: shopify ; google ; facebook.

How do we use your information?

  1. We keep part of the Personal Information as part of our legal obligations for record purposes. Some of the Personal Information is being used for improving your browsing experience or providing specific services to you; some of the Personal Information is being used for providing you with technical assistance during your browsing.
  2. For some users, we will also use this information to use email marketing and updates about special events, discounts, offers and benefits.
  3. The information will be kept on company’s servers in Israel, and will, in some cases be shared with entities aboard (for example, in cases of international shipping).

 Email Marketing:

  1. In some cases, we will be using your Personal Information to send you marketing content via email, WhatsApp, phone, notifications, or SMS. We will use these to update you on promotions, special offers and benefits, events and to provide you with technical assistance and provide you details on your purchases.
  2. If you do not wish to receive such marketing content, you can easily click on the “remove” option and such communication will stop once your request has been received.

Your Rights

  1. If you wish to view the Personal Information that is being kept, free of charge, you can ask us for a copy, to update it or to erase it, by contacting us here:
  2. Deletion of information shall be to the extent such is permitted by law or regulation.
  3. Before deletion of the information, you may be required to provide us with additional identifiable information, for security purposes.
  4. Please note that once the data is being deleted, it may not be restored and some of the applications and option that you used, may no longer be available to you.
  5. Excluding cases where deletion was requested, your information will be stored and secured by us, to the time required by law.
  6. If you are a California resident using the Services, the California Consumer Privacy Act ("CCPA") grants you the right to request access to and deletion of the Personal Information we collects about you, as well as to request that we disclose how we collect, use, and share your Personal Information. 
  7. California residents also have a right to opt-out of the sale of their Personal Information by a business and a right not to be discriminated against for exercising any of their rights under the CCPA. 
  8. we do not not sell (as such term is defined in the CCPA) your Personal Information to third parties, and we did not sell Personal Information in the twelve months prior to the effective date of this Privacy Policy.
  9. we do not discriminate against any user for exercising their rights under the
  10. if you are located in Europe, when we will transfer your Personal Information to the United States or anywhere outside Europe, we will make sure that (i) there is a level of protection deemed adequate by the European Commission or (ii) that the relevant Standard Contractual Clauses are in place. 
  11. Any transfer to and Processing in a third country outside the European Union that does not ensure an adequate level of protection according to the European Commission, shall be conducted under an approved transfer mechanism, as detailed in the DPA.


  1. For keeping the information of our users safe, we take security measures on our Website.
  2. Despite our security efforts, no website is forever protected from breaching attempts and third parties’ attacks. To the extent we take standard security measures, we shall not be responsible for any such attempt or for any damage that can be caused by it.
  3. Any use of malwares, malicious software, viruses, and others on the Website is strictly prohibited. It shall be your responsibility to take precaution measures such as anti-virus, software updates and others.

 For additional information and questions, please contact us at:

מגזין פורטפוליו

שנות ה־70 וה־90 אצל המעצבת אור פז.


לא רק בכחול לבן: 16 מעצבים ישראלים שאנחנו אוהבות במיוחד


אור פז (30) סיימה את לימודי עיצוב אופנה בשנקר בשנת 2018. קולקציית הגמר שלה זכתה לתשומת לב רבה ולביקורות אוהדות


ייצור מקומי בראש - המתנות הנכונות לראש השנה

מכנסיים וחלק עליון מקולקציית הביכורים של המעצבת בוגרת שנקר אור פז, שעבדה בעבר כמעצבת אצל רונן חן ובין השאר היתה אחראית לפיתוח קו המותג OMA

ynet - אופנה

פז יצרה מלתחה מודולרית שנעה בין פריטי לבוש יומיומיים כמו מכנסיים קצרים וחולצת בטן עם שרוולים ארוכים, לפריטי ערב שיתאימו לאירועים כמו שמלת קאט-אאוט חושפת מותניים עם קשירת קולר ושמלת טוניקה עם אמרות פרומות שיכולה להילבש גם מעל מכנסיים ארוכים. הפריטים כולם חוצי טרנדים וייראו רלוונטיים גם מעבר לעונה הנוכחית

מגזין פורטפוליו

לכל פריט בקולקציה יש שם על שם מישהי מהחיים שלי, מישהי שנתנה לי השראה באיזשהו אופן. הדגם שחיברתי לאותו השם התחבר מבחינתי לאישיות או לסיפור המשותף שלנו